X1 Worked for a few hours now does not power on

Hi, I recently received my 16GB 256GB X1 and I had installed OS and updated the BIOS was working for a few hours. I tried turning it on and now I get no LED or anything?

I am using the original power supply and when unplugged I get 12v when plugged into the board I get 1.9v at the pins. So seems there is a short somewhere.

Can you anyone help? The seller told me to post here.

May I ask what BIOS firmware you are using?

Do you have an RTC battery connected?

Finally, can you provide a video or picture of your test voltages?

I installed X1_NO_MIPI_01_Digital_S16_20240604152509_3.3V.bin which worked noticed the boot splash screen difference.

I don’t have an RTC battery to use yet.

Here is voltage before and after connecting PSU.

Also on closer inspection this morning it looks like solider joints on the power connector are not fully solid still tacky.
I wondering if this has been a manufacturing defect?

Also just checked the BIOS version I had on the the USB drive

╭── philstevenson in ~ [13:13:20]
╰─➤ shasum -a 256 /Users/philstevenson/Downloads/3.3V/X1_NO_MIPI_01_Digital_S16_20240604152509_3.3V.bin
0757e0b16abad00a3ed0f2e8a4ddfb8f6545039d7272ceb857f25943bcbd614a  /Users/philstevenson/Downloads/3.3V/X1_NO_MIPI_01_Digital_S16_20240604152509_3.3V.bin

╭── philstevenson in ~ [13:13:35]
╰─➤ shasum -a 256 /Volumes/UNTITLED/BIOS.bin
0757e0b16abad00a3ed0f2e8a4ddfb8f6545039d7272ceb857f25943bcbd614a  /Volumes/UNTITLED/BIOS.bin

Please contact the after sales team where you placed your order.