I have purchased several items from YouYeeToo on Amazon in the recent past, but have had to return them because I could not read the all Chinese websites, could not download the correct documentation and/or the documents were incomplete. It was just too much work and after some time, I could not completely rely on the veracity of the information available on the products.
Now I have made another purchase. …
I REALLY like what you are doing with the hardware. And I have been observing how quickly you have been developing. Your prices are also unbeatable.
I would be willing to help you get everything translated correctly and on https servers. No one is going to be comfortable logging into and downloading from insecure websites.
There is a lot more to fix and I really think you should consider letting me help you.
I truly believe in your products. I have observed enough to make a confident decision.
With my help, you could grow even more rapidly, and reach a high level of customer satisfaction. I do not see that happening the way things are now. In fact, if you leave things the way they are, I have no choice but to return the things I have purchased. Currently, your support is just not sufficient.