Repo sites do not work

Since the other repo doesn’t work I tried the open harmony repo to see if that one worked

Unless this is fixed my only solution will be to throw away my youyeetoo boards in the garbage
I will only use gentoo on these boards and need to be able to create it. Your instructions are kind of murky so I wanted to look at the scripts.

I followed the instructions to downloaded the harmony part and got error messages

repo init -u Youyeetoo-OHOS: YY3568 Openharmony 源码 -b master
Downloading Repo source from git-repo - Git at Google

repo sync -c

fatal : could not read Username for ‘’: terminal prompts disabled
error: Cannot fetch device_board_yy3568 from
Fetching: 100% (1/1), done in 6.703s
git-lfs filter-process --skip: ligne 1: git-lfs : commande introuvable
fatal : l’hôte distant a fermé la connexion de manière inattendue
error.GitError: Cannot checkout applications_app_samples: Cannot initialize work tree for applications_app_samples
error: Cannot checkout applications_app_samples
git-lfs filter-process --skip: ligne 1: git-lfs : commande introuvable
fatal : l’hôte distant a fermé la connexion de manière inattendue
error.GitError: Cannot checkout applications_hap: Cannot initialize work tree for applications_hap
error: Cannot checkout applications_hap
Checking out: 29% (102/342) useriam_face_authgit-lfs filter-process --skip: ligne 1: git-lfs : commande introuvable
fatal : l’hôte distant a fermé la connexion de manière inattendue
error.GitError: Cannot checkout update_updater: Cannot initialize work tree for update_updater
error: Cannot checkout update_updater
Checking out: 30% (105/342) useriam_pin_authgit-lfs filter-process --skip: ligne 1: git-lfs : commande introuvable
fatal : l’hôte distant a fermé la connexion de manière inattendue
error.GitError: Cannot checkout web_webview: Cannot initialize work tree for web_webview
error: Cannot checkout web_webview
Checking out: 35% (121/342) developtools_syscap_codecerror: Cannot checkout device_board_yy3568: ManifestInvalidRevisionError: revision master in device_board_yy3568 not found
Checking out: 35% (121/342), done in 2.348s
error: in sync -c: revision master in device_board_yy3568 not found

Hello! Have you done the preparations before pulling? ssh -T has the following reply, Hi … You’ve successfully authenticated…

The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:+ULzij2u99B9eWYFTw1Q4ErYG/aepHLbu96PAUCoV88.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘’ (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey).

Hi Do you have a registered gitee account, please? If not, please register an account first.


  1. Register for a Code Cloud gitee account.

  2. Register Code Cloud SSH public key, please refer to Code Cloud Help Center.

  3. Install the git client and git-lfs and configure user information.

git config --global "yourname "

git config --global "your-email-address "

git config --global credential.helper store

To install the code cloud repo tool, you can execute the following command.

curl -s \>
/usr/local/bin/repo \

If you don’t have permissions, you can download to another directory and configure it to the environment variable

chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo

pip3 install -i requests

Getting the source code

repo init -u -b master -m yy3568_ohso4.1.xml
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

repo is a standard app on gentoo so no need to install a third party version

It got a bit farther after I registered. It does take a long time. The problem is not here, my internet line is around 1G.
Here is the current status
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (129/129), done.
erreur : échec RPC ; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 5 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2)
erreur : 4223 octets de corps sont encore attendus
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal : fin de fichier prématurée
fatal : fetch-pack : sortie d’index de pack invalide
error: Cannot fetch third_party_typescript from
Fetching: 100% (430/430), done in 1h28m26.613s
Fetching: 0% (0/1) 2:28 | 1 job | 2:28 third_party_typescript @ third_party/typescript

You may have encountered a problem that all Chinese Internet users may have encountered. Please try turning on a VPN. :grinning:

Can you ping this URL?

michel@localhost ~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) octets de données.
64 octets de : icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 temps=239 ms
64 octets de : icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 temps=236 ms
64 octets de : icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 temps=242 ms
64 octets de : icmp_seq=4 ttl=51 temps=235 ms
64 octets de : icmp_seq=5 ttl=51 temps=229 ms
64 octets de : icmp_seq=6 ttl=51 temps=232 ms
64 octets de : icmp_seq=7 ttl=51 temps=235 ms

we have not provide the repo sync service for YY3568 ,
please get source code by download file