R6C : no HDMI output and no keyboard

I have problems with the R6C: the HDMI output and the keyboard do not work.

I tried the versions present in Google drive FriendyElec RK3588-FriendlyElec/01_Official images/01_SD card images:

  • debian core, debian desktop (bullseye, bookworm)
  • ubuntu server, desktop (focal, jammy)

During the emmc installation, the HDMI output and the keyboard work, but after the reboot, the output and the keyboard do not work !

I don’t know if it’s a kernel version problem or a dtb file problem, but it’s very problematic not to have the HDMI output and the keyboard not working ;-((

NB: ssh remote access works

If you have access to SSH, please provide us with the system boot logs via dmesg cmd.

Also please provide pictures of how you connect the HDMI, keyboard, and power supply if possible.

Lastly, did you burn the FriendyElec RK3588-FriendlyElec/01_Official images/01_SD card images into the EMMC? Please select sd to emmc.