Procedure to install new distribution

Received R1 yesterday. Appreciate how well it was packed. Also appreciated Linaro preinstlled but have ubuntu 2204 lts on all my sbcs. Though it looks like grub was installed once, there is not apparently efi or bootloader on the emmc. So, I cannot get the device to boot from USB to install. Also challenged by having to change locale from cn to en, with many tools still displaying cn.

Please advise how to facilitate boot from usb, so I can install ubuntu.

So looking at the fstab and partition tables, uboot is the bootloader. The emmc partition table has NO fstype assigned to any partition. I wanted to try create a partition for efi so I could continue installing grub… there is a partition called boot but it is not mounted (and has no type). It appears not to be fat… I was hoping to edit something to boot from usb… It appears the boot “button” on the device causes the device to use tty serial console to do something… but I do not have a cable or rig presently to support serial console. This too should be configurable! At least I know now only uboot is present. So I am still stuck installing another distribution. AND all packages are locked down, and point to CN debian repos. I can’t install build-essential!!! So I can’t build anything on the device with the current distro. Effectively the device is a brick out the box, and your documentation is all TODO. I haven’t given up yet… and you need to be more clear the wifi adapter is not included in the package - as the kernel does not include any modern usb wifi driver (I have).

Burn to EMMC | youyeetoo wiki

So this is barely useful. After not finding any links to download the micro usb drivers, or the rkdev tool, I found them (after some searching) elsewhere. I installed them on a Windows computer, changed the language to english, and …

Now what?

It looks like I need a config file that describes the partitions. It doesn’t seem obvious that I can download what is on the emmc. Also, is there an ubuntu server image available from you? If so - where? (Is it behind the gdrive link your customers dont have permission to access?)

I got a bit further ahead. Seems if I run the rkdevtool in adminstrator mode, I see “found one loader device” (instead of maskrom or adb), and I can read the partition table and query the device (from the advanced menu). So … do you have an ubuntu LTS image, or xubuntu image, that I can flash??

回复没有帮助,因为没有下载 Rockchip 工具的链接。看起来您的下载需要每个用户的权限。所以……我通过 Orange Pi 找到了 Rockchip 微型 USB 驱动程序和开发工具。我能够将其切换为英文。现在怎么办……我没有针对此设备调整的 Xubuntu 或 Ubuntu LTS 映像,也没有关于如何修改任何内容以从 USB 启动、安装 GRUB 等的说明。我愿意在这里帮助博客、记录和托管英文说明……但我需要你的帮助才能开始。

ubuntu 2204 will release later, it is in our working list,

Have you since made progress with this? I noticed on the wiki that there’s some procedure for connecting the board to a Windows PC via USB-A to USB-A cable (following installing USB driver) and loading a Debian or Ubuntu image. I have not tried this yet and honestly there are very few details provided. The screenshots show a bit of what is happening on the Windows side but the UI of the demonstrated system is not in English.

In short, my R1 came with Android loaded and I want to figure out how to put Debian or Ubuntu on it. By the way, there is also an NVMe slot. Would that make it easier to load a new system?

Check if this help?