Linux on YY3568

Hello everyone, I’m new to this world and I wanted to ask a question. As soon as the card starts it starts with the Android operating system and I would need to install Linux on it.
I looked for the information in YY3568 | youyeetoo wiki but I have to say I’m very confused.
I would like to know the procedure or at least what steps to take. Thanks for any replies.


  1. Download the linux image you need
  2. Select the burning software to download according to burning to SD card or EMMC.
  3. If you burn to SD card, insert SD into YY3568 and it will start the image of SD card.
  4. if burn to emmc, you need to let YY3568 enter burn mode. For details, please refer to the wiki:

check this upgrade firmware | youyeetoo wiki
