Some questions about ENC1-V3

  1. The device could accept new fonts *ttf to be uploaded and used by overlay effect ?

  2. What should be the URL to open a SRT stream configured as Mode = listener, IP =, StreamID = stream0, Port= 9001 ?

  3. I have uploaded an image size 646x696 with 323Kb *png as resource but could not anymore delete. It still be listed and still able to be applied . How could delete ?

  4. What type of USB disk may be used for recording and what maximum size ?

  5. Could support simultaneuous encode and output 3 streams ? (HDMI, USBCAM and MIX)

  1. The device could accept new fonts *ttf to be uploaded and used by overlay effect ?

  2. What should be the URL to open a SRT stream configured as Mode = listener, IP =, StreamID = stream0, Port= 9001 ?
    Please check
    Introduction to the three modes (listener, caller, rendezvous) of the encoder SRT protocol

  3. I have uploaded an image size 646x696 with 323Kb *png as resource but could not anymore delete. It still be listed and still able to be applied . How could delete ?

Turn off or delete.

  1. What type of USB disk may be used for recording and what maximum size ?
    There is no restriction on the type, all storage devices, it is recommended that ntfs format would be better. There is also no limit on size at this time.

  2. Could support simultaneuous encode and output 3 streams ? (HDMI, USBCAM and MIX)

Dear Charles;
Thanks for support.

I have uploaded the *,TTF font but it is inaccessible from font dialog box. I already have rebooted but still same.


About to delete file: I already have tried to delete, reboot, reset but the file still being showed and allowed to be used

Best regards

Try clearing your browser cache.

Regarding fonts, don’t use files larger than 4M.

Here are the fonts we tested (reminder: the fonts are not licensed and are only used for testing)