The device could accept new fonts *ttf to be uploaded and used by overlay effect ?
What should be the URL to open a SRT stream configured as Mode = listener, IP =, StreamID = stream0, Port= 9001 ?
I have uploaded an image size 646x696 with 323Kb *png as resource but could not anymore delete. It still be listed and still able to be applied . How could delete ?
What type of USB disk may be used for recording and what maximum size ?
Could support simultaneuous encode and output 3 streams ? (HDMI, USBCAM and MIX)
The device could accept new fonts *ttf to be uploaded and used by overlay effect ?
What should be the URL to open a SRT stream configured as Mode = listener, IP =, StreamID = stream0, Port= 9001 ?
Please check
Introduction to the three modes (listener, caller, rendezvous) of the encoder SRT protocol
I have uploaded an image size 646x696 with 323Kb *png as resource but could not anymore delete. It still be listed and still able to be applied . How could delete ?
Turn off or delete.
What type of USB disk may be used for recording and what maximum size ?
There is no restriction on the type, all storage devices, it is recommended that ntfs format would be better. There is also no limit on size at this time. -
Could support simultaneuous encode and output 3 streams ? (HDMI, USBCAM and MIX)
Dear Charles;
Thanks for support.
I have uploaded the *,TTF font but it is inaccessible from font dialog box. I already have rebooted but still same.
About to delete file: I already have tried to delete, reboot, reset but the file still being showed and allowed to be used
Best regards